"I don't want them to believe me, I just want them to think." - Marshall McLuhan
"It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." - Alfred North Whitehead
Come visit my new site, Reengagement Realized20 August 2012
Video Trailer: Adler's Certificate in Leadership & Organization, Development & Coaching
What an exciting program we have planned beginning January, 2013. Our new Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Organization, Development and Coaching is officially announced and registration is open. Have a look at the video trailer and imagine yourself enrolled in this dynamic program. Better yet, imagine yourself as a 21st century leader, with expertise in Organization Development Fundamentals, Critical Perspectives, Complexity Theory and Applications, High-performing Teams, and Professional Practice (coaching/business strategy/consulting). “Your future will never be the same!”
16 August 2012
How to Become a Bad Boss
Over at the HBR Blog, there’s an insightful post about the top ten things you should do if you want to become an INEFFECTIVE leader. (The authors don’t actually frame it that way, but it’s good… err… bad guidance nonetheless.) From “most to least fatal” here are the killer ten:
For all leaders, it’s worth taking a few minutes to pause and reflect on which of these might hit home (and if you happen to notice that you’re in a bit of denial, that is probably another red flag, too).
- Failure to inspire, owing to a lack of energy and enthusiasm.
- Acceptance of mediocre performance in place of excellent results.
- A lack of clear vision and direction.
- An inability to collaborate and be a team player.
- Failure to walk the talk.
- Failure to improve and learn from mistakes.
- An inability to lead change or innovate owing to a resistance to new ideas.
- A failure to develop others.
- Inept interpersonal skills.
- Displays of bad judgment that leads to poor decisions.
For all leaders, it’s worth taking a few minutes to pause and reflect on which of these might hit home (and if you happen to notice that you’re in a bit of denial, that is probably another red flag, too).
15 August 2012
Officially Announcing: Adler’s Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership & Organization, Development & Coaching
After many months of challenging and interesting effort, involving great collaboration with many from among Adler’s multiple constituencies, we are very excited to announce our new, Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Organization, Development and Coaching, which we affectionately call “C.LODC”. This is the first offering from the Faculty of Leadership and Organization at Adler Graduate Professional School that begins its first class January, 2013.
The underlying philosophy of the “L&O” faculty is that contemporary leadership is about enabling a conducive environment where people engage to create a shared experience in which an alternative future becomes possible. That environment itself is necessarily complex, reflecting the reality of all organizations throughout today’s massively interconnected world. Enabling that environment for the type of participation required for true engagement among people from diverse backgrounds and experiences necessitates a respect and appreciation for difference and paradox—a leader being able to hold the “tension of the polarities” of two (or more) disparate experiences in her or his mind. And, it requires both a foundational understanding of how we arrived into our current situation, and practical ways to approach organizational and people challenges, many of which are brand new for our times.
Our certificate program is specifically designed to address these needs. Comprising five courses taught over twelve months in our central Toronto location, current and future leaders will gain a new understanding of what it means to truly lead (not merely manage) in the 21st century. In designing the certificate, we selected courses from the curriculum we are submitting to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities for a proposed master degree (obligatory disclaimer: accreditation of a future master degree is subject to government approval and cannot be assured). That curriculum has been called innovative and unique in the world by academic and practitioners reviewers whom we invited to review our design. Needless to say, we are very excited about being able to exercise some of our courses.
As we say on the C.LODC website, “Adler’s Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Organization, Development and Coaching is a unique program for those who would become unique leaders. We invite you to join us beginning January, 2013 for this exciting innovation in contemporary leadership education. Your future will never be the same.”
Space is necessarily limited. And, we’re offering a special, discounted price of $6,750 for the inaugural year (regular price is $9,000). Come download an application for one of the few spots remaining in this great, new program. Indeed, your future will never be the same!
Update (20 Aug 2012): Here’s the great video trailer for the program:
The underlying philosophy of the “L&O” faculty is that contemporary leadership is about enabling a conducive environment where people engage to create a shared experience in which an alternative future becomes possible. That environment itself is necessarily complex, reflecting the reality of all organizations throughout today’s massively interconnected world. Enabling that environment for the type of participation required for true engagement among people from diverse backgrounds and experiences necessitates a respect and appreciation for difference and paradox—a leader being able to hold the “tension of the polarities” of two (or more) disparate experiences in her or his mind. And, it requires both a foundational understanding of how we arrived into our current situation, and practical ways to approach organizational and people challenges, many of which are brand new for our times.
Our certificate program is specifically designed to address these needs. Comprising five courses taught over twelve months in our central Toronto location, current and future leaders will gain a new understanding of what it means to truly lead (not merely manage) in the 21st century. In designing the certificate, we selected courses from the curriculum we are submitting to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities for a proposed master degree (obligatory disclaimer: accreditation of a future master degree is subject to government approval and cannot be assured). That curriculum has been called innovative and unique in the world by academic and practitioners reviewers whom we invited to review our design. Needless to say, we are very excited about being able to exercise some of our courses.
As we say on the C.LODC website, “Adler’s Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Organization, Development and Coaching is a unique program for those who would become unique leaders. We invite you to join us beginning January, 2013 for this exciting innovation in contemporary leadership education. Your future will never be the same.”
Space is necessarily limited. And, we’re offering a special, discounted price of $6,750 for the inaugural year (regular price is $9,000). Come download an application for one of the few spots remaining in this great, new program. Indeed, your future will never be the same!
Update (20 Aug 2012): Here’s the great video trailer for the program:
06 August 2012
Advice for the Leader-lorn: When to Skip the “Skip Level”
“Advice for the Leader-lorn” is an irregular series in which Dr. Mark answers your leadership questions. If you have a thorny leadership situation that you’d like Dr. Mark to address, send your question to Dr. Mark.
Today’s question comes from A.Y. who writes: “I’ve recently come into a company in a Senior VP position. It didn’t take me very long to observe that morale among the managers and staff isn’t up to what it might be. In fact, people seem to be pretty demoralized. In my last company, we used “skip-level interviews” with staff to hear what was really going on two or three levels down in the hierarchy. I’d like to do the same here, but the moment I mentioned the idea, people turned pale, fumbled for their Blackberries, and excused themselves to head to a meeting (and people here absolutely hate meetings!). I get the feeling that jumping in to this program may not be the best idea right now, but I’d still like to know what’s really going on. How should I proceed?
Your powers of observation serve you well, A.Y. You’ve saved yourself a lot of time filled with awkward moments, and your staff painful facial muscles as they feign smiles and pleasantries. Skip-level interviews can be an effective means of hearing “the truth,” unfiltered by layers of management well-trained in obfuscating corporate-speak. But as actor Jack Nicholson famously reminded us, “the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” And many employees can’t handle delivering the truth, especially when the implications of the uneven power relations are not perfectly clear as being safe.
Your previous company seemed to have made good use of skip-level interviews, the opportunity for more senior leaders to reach down into their organization and spend some quality, one-on-one time with employees farther down the reporting hierarchy. It’s likely that the organization culture was one of openness and safety. No one there had ever experienced reprisals from their direct manager (or manager’s manager) for reporting anything other than a rosy picture of complete competence. The culture was probably a strong learning culture in which reflective learning accompanied every decision—without witch-hunts, post-mortems, or the type of inquisitions meant to ensure that “this (whatever may have gone sideways) will never happen again.” In a culture of Appreciative Management with Positive Leadership, all levels of the organization expect to hear frank exposition of what’s really going on from everyone, irrespective of their level of responsibility or seniority, and positively reinforce that openness and honest. I would go so far as to say that in such a culture, skip-level interviews are likely unnecessary, since everyone typically knows what’s “really happening” anyway, through regular check-ins in an environment of individual autonomy and agency, collective responsibility, and mutual accountability.
The reactions you’ve received at your new company suggest that it may be too soon for a person with legitimated authority – you – to embark on a program that requires a high degree of trust and safety to be effective. Everyone knows that it’s not safe to talk to strangers, and in the context of that organization’s culture, you are still a stranger. My invitation to you is to begin slowly in your quest for knowledge. There are likely those who are organizationally close to you whom you can ask first for frank opinions about what needs to change to improve the work environment—your admin assistant (if you have a person in that role) or other person in a relatively lower-level position. Follow through on your promises to them and you begin to build trust. Next, hold a mini-town hall meeting among those people’s organizational peers and listen deeply to their experiences of the organization. Find an opportunity to give them autonomy and agency in enacting the changes that will make their roles more effective and more satisfying.
After that, spread out to those of higher hierarchical rank who are connected to the ones who are beginning to trust you, again listening deeply, granting autonomy where possible, taking the opportunity for action whenever you can. By all means, recognize and reward those who speak the truth – especially difficult truths – and invite a strong “culture of inquiry” to emerge. Rinse and repeat until you notice that people are regaining the colour in the faces and putting away their Blackberries when you approach. Only then will you have gained sufficient trust and established the requisite safety for skip-level interviews to succeed.
Except by then, you won’t need them to know what’s really going on.
Today’s question comes from A.Y. who writes: “I’ve recently come into a company in a Senior VP position. It didn’t take me very long to observe that morale among the managers and staff isn’t up to what it might be. In fact, people seem to be pretty demoralized. In my last company, we used “skip-level interviews” with staff to hear what was really going on two or three levels down in the hierarchy. I’d like to do the same here, but the moment I mentioned the idea, people turned pale, fumbled for their Blackberries, and excused themselves to head to a meeting (and people here absolutely hate meetings!). I get the feeling that jumping in to this program may not be the best idea right now, but I’d still like to know what’s really going on. How should I proceed?
Your powers of observation serve you well, A.Y. You’ve saved yourself a lot of time filled with awkward moments, and your staff painful facial muscles as they feign smiles and pleasantries. Skip-level interviews can be an effective means of hearing “the truth,” unfiltered by layers of management well-trained in obfuscating corporate-speak. But as actor Jack Nicholson famously reminded us, “the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” And many employees can’t handle delivering the truth, especially when the implications of the uneven power relations are not perfectly clear as being safe.
Your previous company seemed to have made good use of skip-level interviews, the opportunity for more senior leaders to reach down into their organization and spend some quality, one-on-one time with employees farther down the reporting hierarchy. It’s likely that the organization culture was one of openness and safety. No one there had ever experienced reprisals from their direct manager (or manager’s manager) for reporting anything other than a rosy picture of complete competence. The culture was probably a strong learning culture in which reflective learning accompanied every decision—without witch-hunts, post-mortems, or the type of inquisitions meant to ensure that “this (whatever may have gone sideways) will never happen again.” In a culture of Appreciative Management with Positive Leadership, all levels of the organization expect to hear frank exposition of what’s really going on from everyone, irrespective of their level of responsibility or seniority, and positively reinforce that openness and honest. I would go so far as to say that in such a culture, skip-level interviews are likely unnecessary, since everyone typically knows what’s “really happening” anyway, through regular check-ins in an environment of individual autonomy and agency, collective responsibility, and mutual accountability.
The reactions you’ve received at your new company suggest that it may be too soon for a person with legitimated authority – you – to embark on a program that requires a high degree of trust and safety to be effective. Everyone knows that it’s not safe to talk to strangers, and in the context of that organization’s culture, you are still a stranger. My invitation to you is to begin slowly in your quest for knowledge. There are likely those who are organizationally close to you whom you can ask first for frank opinions about what needs to change to improve the work environment—your admin assistant (if you have a person in that role) or other person in a relatively lower-level position. Follow through on your promises to them and you begin to build trust. Next, hold a mini-town hall meeting among those people’s organizational peers and listen deeply to their experiences of the organization. Find an opportunity to give them autonomy and agency in enacting the changes that will make their roles more effective and more satisfying.
After that, spread out to those of higher hierarchical rank who are connected to the ones who are beginning to trust you, again listening deeply, granting autonomy where possible, taking the opportunity for action whenever you can. By all means, recognize and reward those who speak the truth – especially difficult truths – and invite a strong “culture of inquiry” to emerge. Rinse and repeat until you notice that people are regaining the colour in the faces and putting away their Blackberries when you approach. Only then will you have gained sufficient trust and established the requisite safety for skip-level interviews to succeed.
Except by then, you won’t need them to know what’s really going on.
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