Bureaucracy seems to ossify an organization by interfering with the complex interactions among valence relationships.Does this make sense to anyone out there?
It may be that the relative location of an organization along the spectrum from BAH to UCaPP is determined by the degree to which valence relationships are able to interact with each other in complex ways within individuals, and how that complexity is expressed via the valence connections among the people.
[Technorati tags: bureaucracy | hierarchy | organization | bah | ucapp | valence relationships]
Hi Mark, when you say "..are able to interact within individuals," are you referring to the ways that Jane's internal hedonic valence, say, is able to interact with her informational valence?
Could it be argued that Frederick Taylor's general approach tended to increase specialization, even within the individual, by seeking to separate the tactile self from the cerebral self - which normally interact in a valence-sort of relationship?
Are you saying that the more "human" it is, the less BAH it is?
¿Pero la valencia es fija o variable?
I agree with your insight-and I observed it just yesterday at the major corporation that's part of your research-as I listened to a group of intelligent technical people share information and then ponder how to move forward and act on their recommendations/insights when the corporate organization is completely siloed.
Thank you for putting it so well. This concept explains why I feel so brutalized by work and school - I am simply not allowed to be my whole self in a BAH organization. The byzantine set of "rules" created by employees to get round the Rules take an enormous amount of creative energy to identify and navigate - energy that can and should be used to further the mission of the organization. I am working on the concept of an Open Space School to allow people to actually use all their talent.
Thank you for putting it so well. This concept explains why I feel so brutalized by work and school - I am simply not allowed to be my whole self in a BAH organization. The byzantine set of "rules" created by employees to get round the Rules take an enormous amount of creative energy to identify and navigate - energy that can and should be used to further the mission of the organization. I am working on the concept of an Open Space School to allow people to actually use all their talent.
Las valencias son variables y complejos.
(The valences are variable and complex.)
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